What our Clients Say About Us
We are very fortunate to have formed excellent partnerships with many of our clients – and we’ve formed more than just working relationships with them; we have formed true friendships. Here’s what they’re saying about us.
Annie Rios, Esquire
WAA Cycle 1 Graduate & Executive Director at Uprise Theatre
Jasmine Mines, Esquire
WAA Cycle 1 Graduate & Managing Partner at Mines Law Firm
Wais Azami, Esquire
WAA Cycle 3 Graduate & Managing Partner at Law Office of Wais Azami
Melinda Gomez, Esquire
WAA Cycle 3 Graduate
I started my legal career as an intern with the County Public Defender’s office where I was assigned to then Deputy Public Defender Lori Ann Myers. I had just completed law school and while I had plenty of academic knowledge and tenacity, I lacked the hands on courtroom experience I needed to thrive. In law school nobody teaches you how to navigate the judicial system or prepare for trial or deliver a winning closing argument. You can only learn to be a great trial lawyer through experience of through the wisdom and experience of others.
I’m very luck that I had Lori as a mentor to guide me along the way early on in my career. She taught me how to be a zealous advocate and imparted valuable tools and guidance that made me the successful attorney I am today. She taught me about trial preparation and guided me through the nuances of jury selection and trial procedure. She helped me prepare several winning opening and closing arguments and taught me how to win over a judge and jury without saying a word.
There are lots of great trial attorneys out there but very few are willing to extend a patient hand to new attorneys struggling to find their way. Lori is one of those few kind, patient, successful practitioners willing to take her time and impart her wisdom and experience on others to help them improve. Her self awareness, positive outlook and selflessness make her an excellent teacher and role model for whom I will always be grateful.
Tarek Shawky
Criminal Defense Trial Attorney
Law Office of Tarek Shawky
You do not learn anything useful in law school when it comes to the day-to-day nuts and bolts of criminal practice. The system is set up so that there is very little guidance for new lawyers, and many lawyers develop bad habits by a lack of early mentorship. I have seen many lawyers make simple mistakes that can cost the client dearly, even lawyers who have been practicing for years. The only way to avoid becoming one of these lawyers is to have someone highly respected, by the clients as well as the entire court staff, teach you the nuts and bolts of the system. That is what Lori Myers was to me.
Lori Myers became my mentor when I was still in law school. The first few weeks of my internship I sat in court rooms and watched lawyers who seemed to know what they were doing, and I was getting quite intimidated. Once Lori took me under her wings, she explained every thing that was going on, she showed me how to fill out forms, when approach the clerk, how to speak to the judge, and how to write many motions.
I consider my time with Lori as one of the greatest things that ever happened to me. She is highly skilled and experienced, she is personable and has teaching skills that are sharp and practical. She taught me how to fill out plea forms, and explained clearly what each thing means practically, so I could explain it clearly to clients. She taught me about programs, and dealing with drug laws and mental health court. She is open to any questions and is highly knowledgable to give comprehensive answers.
Lori Myers gave me the confidence I needed once I became a public defender and was given a heavy caseload, with no guidance in a department which I had no experience. My assigned supervisor was never available, and the other attorneys in the department were too busy to help me much. I shudder to think how badly I would have messed up if I had not had my time with Lori. Her mentorship during my internship was invaluable, she gave me the strength to stand firm when I had no idea what I was doing, and the wisdom to make the right decisions more often than not.
Once I was on my own, she continued her mentor role in allowing me to be around for her first murder trial, which was another invaluable experience for me. I could not stress enough the incalculable valuable that Lori has been to me in my entire career. I spent five years in criminal defense and am very proud of the work I did, and I know I would not have done nearly as well without Lori in my corner.
Joanne Alberry
Senior Attorney Advisor, Decision Writing Unit, Social Security Administration
Office of Hearings Operations, San Bernardino
I interned with Lori Myers for nearly two years as a certified law clerk while I was in law school. Most of the other internships that I had done were behind a desk, but I met Lori in court on my first day of working with her and quickly became familiar with cases, clients, dealing with other attorneys, and the court procedures.
Lori taught me about client management, independent thinking, and completing tasks on a tight schedule.
The most valuable thing I learned from Ms. Myers is what they don’t teach you in law school. I learned about dealing with other attorneys, judges, and clients with whom you may not see eye to eye. I also learned about building trust, rapport, and professional courtesy with other attorneys.
Ms. Myers’s teaching style is very hands on; there is little classroom type instruction. I worked side by side with Lori in courtrooms in Riverside and Banning. Lori makes her clerks an important part of her legal practice.
I highly recommend Ms. Myers for training as a private attorney in the criminal defense field.
Brian Okabayashi
Law School Graduate